Category Archive For "Expat insurance"
Dental insurance in Hong Kong
According to the Department of Health, in Hong Kong, there were 2,382 dentists and 402 dental hygienists at the end of 2015. This is a ratio of roughly 1 dentist for every 3,075 people in the city. There are enough dentists here so that you are never really far from one. Because dental hygiene is …
Will your insurance premium increase if you claim?
The cost of health care at private facilities in Hong Kong is increasing, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, especially if the government continues to suggest that hospitals push non-emergency patients to the private system. If you are considering receiving treatment at a private clinic or hospital in Hong Kong then …
Moving to the USA? What Hong Kongers should know about US health insurance
With the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong reporting a surge in visa applications from Hong Kong citizens, now is a better time than ever for people in Hong Kong to fully understand health care in the United States of America. Whereas the Department of Health in Hong Kong provides subsidized health care services to every …
HK government set to improve private health care
At the beginning of each year, one of the most popular activities carried out by online communities is the prediction of trends they believe will be popular in the coming year. Nearly every industry does this including health care. One of the more popular trends identified by experts around the world is an ongoing one …
7 activities you can do in Hong Kong after securing health insurance
It can be simple to say that we are going to be more healthy this year, it can sometimes be a struggle to actually follow through. From nights out in LKF or SoHo, the ever increasing number of restaurants opening, to long days at the office, there is always temptation to be a little slack …