Category Archive For "Insurance"
Giving birth in Hong Kong: Public vs private maternity hospitals
Whether you’re planning to have a child or have a baby on the way, one of the first things you’re going to need to think about is where you’re going to give birth. In Hong Kong, you have two options when it comes to giving birth. You can either go through childbirth in a public …
5 tips to survive the summer holidays for working parents
Schools out! Whether you’ve sent your child to a public or international school in Hong Kong, this time of year marks the long summer break that every child looks forward to and every working parent dreads. That is – if both parents have full-time jobs. Are you at your wits end regarding how to juggle …
Your guide to newborn insurance in Hong Kong
Preparing for the arrival of your bundle of joy in Hong Kong? Between baby-proofing your home, buying essential supplies, and getting yourself mentally ready for parenthood, newborn insurance may not be very high on your newborn checklist. Or maybe it’s not on your list altogether. Either way, Pacific Prime Hong Kong is glad you’re here. …
A simple guide to pre-existing conditions: What they are and how they are determined
Pre-existing health/chronic conditions are one of the biggest issues concerning health insurance, both in Hong Kong and globally. And if you weren’t already aware, our current health condition plays a huge role when you approach a health insurance company, broker, or agent for a quote. This is because your health insurance advisors/consultant will be keen …
The complete guide to children’s vaccinations in Hong Kong
New parents often feel like they’ve been thrown into the deep end. From how to bathe your infant to what jabs they require as they grow, every day is a learning curve and one that can feel overwhelming – especially if you’re an expat living in Hong Kong. You’ll have to familiarize yourself with new …