Category Archive For "Insurance"
Your guide to celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in HK
If the mention of the Mid-Autumn Festival makes you think of mooncakes and lanterns, you aren’t the only one. However, there is much more to it than that. Falling on October 1st this year, Mid-Autumn Festival is an auspicious time when families gather and give thanks. As the second most important festival following the Lunar …
6 tips to protect yourself against cybercrime
Governments around the world have been imposing different social distancing measures such as encouraging remote working, closing certain public facilities, and banning group gathering to combat the coronavirus pandemic. While these policies have accelerated the shift to online shopping, e-learning, and mobile communications, cybercriminals are taking this opportunity to exploit people’s fears by targeting community …
What is the cost of health checkups in Hong Kong?
Health checkups are vital – they identify health issues at an earlier stage, so that you can treat it before it’s too late. Nevertheless, for expats in Hong Kong, the conundrum is that public hospitals don’t provide health checkups and private hospitals are mega expensive to access. What’s more, the cost of health checkups can …
Your guide to epidurals in Hong Kong
Giving birth in Hong Kong? One of the first things you’ll want to know is about how epidural works in the SAR. After all, giving birth can be a painful experience and epidurals are known to alleviate some of the pain. In this Pacific Prime Hong Kong article, you’ll learn all about epidurals – from …
Artificial intelligence and the digitalization of the insurance industry
Technology is constantly evolving and impacting industries all across the board. It’s become increasingly evident that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will significantly impact the way in which we work and live. While many industry groups are already comfortable with using AI, the insurance industry is just starting to implement these technologies. In this Pacific Prime Hong …