Most important things you need to know about hospitalization claims

While in most cases, your private health insurance allows you to receive inpatient treatments in the hospital without any hassle, there are still certain procedures, and documents patients should be aware of when being admitted to a hospital. To answer your hospitalization insurance questions, this article will relate to, and explain some key terms such …

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How to deal with winter depression

“The winter blues, start acting before it’s too late,” reads a popular poster addressing the infamous Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression. One moment you’re breathing in the refreshing cold air and celebrating Christmas, and the next, you’re lying in bed on a dark cloudy afternoon, struggling to find the trace of …

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5 strategies to address embarrassing problems with your doctor

Sitting down with a person that you’ve just known for a few minutes to share your innermost secrets and discuss your quirky symptoms can be an awkward and stressful experience. Embarrassing health woes can be anything ranging from sexual dysfunction, sexually-transmitted infections and diseases, urinary incontinence, to hair loss and body odor.  However, as embarrassing …

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