Category Archive For "Insurance"
Hong Kong’s elderly citizens move to China to retire
Retirement can be a time of peace and relaxation, but it can also be a time of uncertainty, as one makes the daunting transition from the world of work to the world of leisure. If you are retired or will retire soon in Hong Kong, you may also consider your healthcare options to keep you …
What is an emergency medical evacuation cover?
Imagine being caught in a medical emergency while in another country – be it a snake bite, broken leg high up in the mountains or infectious disease in the tropics. In such situations, medical transportation to the nearest medical facility that can handle your case can cost you thousands of dollars. However, with the emergency …
Does travel insurance cover flight delays and cancellations?
There were hundreds of flight delays and cancellations on Monday, 5th of August, at the Hong Kong International Airport due to the protests in Hong Kong. Thousands of passengers were left stranded on the site, trying to reschedule their flights, fearing the possibility of missing their connecting flights and unsure of their travel plans for …
How to have a healthy diet on a busy schedule
The constant struggle between finding time and motivation to eat healthily and taking the easy “unhealthy” way is common among busy people. However, it is possible and important to have a healthy diet on a busy schedule. An unhealthy diet is one of the major risk factors for a range of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular …
10 things you need to know about health insurance when moving abroad
When moving abroad to either work or retire, it is important to investigate beforehand the type of health insurance available in the country you intend to move to. Securing adequate health insurance for you and your family is a must and should be among the first task on the list to strike off when making …