Category Archive For "Insurance"
Are you ready for the peak flu season?
It’s that time of the year again when the cold spell hits the city. Not only does it bring low temperatures, but also seasonal influenza, which is usually more common from January to March, and from July to August. During these time periods, it is very common to see the government taking prompt actions to …
What should you know about physiotherapy cover?
Unlike many diseases that can be prevented by vaccinations or maintaining good personal hygiene, physical pain and injuries are arguably unavoidable, and something that most of you have probably suffered from at some stage in your life. From incorrect sitting posture, overuse of certain muscles, to strains and tears and workplace accidents, we are all …
New international and private school insurance infographic released!
Pacific Prime Hong Kong is delighted to announce the launch of its latest infographic on international and private school insurance, a welcome addition to its collection of useful guides and reports. While our recently released school insurance guide provides comprehensive and in-depth information on the subject, this infographic presents the material via easy-to-digest and enticing …
Natural disaster insurance shifts after two T10 typhoons in Hong Kong
With more severe typhoons hitting Hong Kong directly, insurers are set to examine their natural disaster insurance premium strategies in the Asia Pacific region. Last year’s Hato was hailed as the worst typhoon to hit Hong Kong for years, causing $511 million worth of damage in Hong Kong alone, but it kept it’s badge only …
The average annual growth of the cost of international medical insurance in Hong Kong
The cost of international medical insurance in Hong Kong rose since 2015. How do we know this? For the first time in Pacific Prime’s history of publishing our annual Cost of International Health Insurance reports, this year’s report includes a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) analysis of average premiums from 2015 to 2018. The CAGR …