5 mistakes to avoid when purchasing group health insurance

Offering a strong benefits package to employees can be one of the best ways to attract and retain top quality talent. While benefits packages will be different for each and every business there are a number of essential elements that the most successful packages all offer including group health insurance. The problem here is that …

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5 tips for finding the right pregnancy insurance in Hong Kong

When you’re looking for pregnancy insurance, you can’t go wrong with the expert advice from Pacific Prime Hong Kong. We’ve previously written about what it is, what it covers and why we need it – but what about some tips for when you’re looking for it? This article will give you the top five tips …

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Childbirth insurance: What is it, what does it cover, and why do we need it?

Childbirth insurance, commonly referred to as maternity insurance, has helped a great number of expecting parents in Hong Kong. The excitement of bringing a new life into the world is also a road fraught with health related risks and complications that can add undue stress to a pregnancy. When you’re thinking of getting pregnant, childbirth …

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Key insights on medical insurance inflation in Hong Kong

As one of the most expensive regions in the world for private healthcare, the high cost of medical treatment in this city certainly has a major influence on Hong Kong’s rising medical insurance premiums. As indicated in our 2016 report on the Cost of International Health Insurance, the average cost of international health insurance in …

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