Category Archive For "Insurance"
How to mitigate risk when sending employees abroad
For employers, finding the best talent is often the difference between success and failure when it comes to doing business. Put the right people in the right role and then playing to their strengths can oftentimes lead to great things simply because your employee has been set up to flourish. Of course, finding the perfect …
Searching for the best private medical insurance plan in Hong Kong
Anyone looking for health insurance will want to find a plan that suits them best. But is there such a thing as the best medical insurance? The answer is a sound yes, but with one caveat: there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all insurance plan, meaning that what is considered the best for you may …
Looking into insurtech
Technology has become ever present in almost every industry with many companies constantly looking for the next big tech trend they can leverage to help improve their product or service. This is true for the insurance industry which has seen numerous jumps and leaps forward when it comes to the use of technology, so much …
Should you go with a broker for group health insurance?
It is often said that when you want to attract the best talent on the market you can’t offer them just money. While money is certainly a major motivator when it comes to moving positions, there are other motivators including soft benefits that drive many to move jobs. One of the increasingly demanded ‘soft benefits’ …
Your guide to comparing health insurance plans
In Hong Kong there are no fewer than 20 insurers offering a wide variety of health insurance plans. If you include all of the offshore international insurance providers as well, this number goes up to well over 50. This, in turn, means that we are all pretty much spoiled for choice when it comes to …