Category Archive For "Insurance"
Dental insurance in Hong Kong
According to the Department of Health, in Hong Kong, there were 2,382 dentists and 402 dental hygienists at the end of 2015. This is a ratio of roughly 1 dentist for every 3,075 people in the city. There are enough dentists here so that you are never really far from one. Because dental hygiene is …
Loss ratios and your business
It is becoming increasingly popular for Hong Kong-based businesses to implement wellness benefits, with many focusing on offering a comprehensive package that attracts and maintains the best staff. One of the major pillars of the most successful wellness plans is health insurance, and while companies have offered insurance to their employees for a considerable amount …
Staph and your baby in Hong Kong: Is maternity insurance enough?
Recently mothers-to-be in Hong Kong have raised the question about the possibility of new babies born locally contracting staph infections. While there is certainly a concern among the pregnant women of Hong Kong and their partners about the safety of their newborn children, this has also raised questions from Pacific Prime’s maternity insurance policy holders. If …
Healthcare regulation and ethics in Hong Kong
In recent weeks, there have been a number of news stories coming out of China regarding the latest health scandal which has caused a number of worries in the country, and sparked calls yet again for stricter regulation of the medical industry in china. While Hong Kong’s medical industry is separate from China, it has …
Will your insurance premium increase if you claim?
The cost of health care at private facilities in Hong Kong is increasing, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, especially if the government continues to suggest that hospitals push non-emergency patients to the private system. If you are considering receiving treatment at a private clinic or hospital in Hong Kong then …