Category Archive For "Insurance"
Moving to the USA? What Hong Kongers should know about US health insurance
With the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong reporting a surge in visa applications from Hong Kong citizens, now is a better time than ever for people in Hong Kong to fully understand health care in the United States of America. Whereas the Department of Health in Hong Kong provides subsidized health care services to every …
Subrogation – Do you know what it is?
When securing a new health insurance plan, or even renewing your existing one, it is important that you read the terms and conditions that come with that plan. The problem with these, however, is that there are often a number of terms included that, while important to how claims will be handled, are normally not …
Why insurers deny claims
In a perfect world, health insurers would allow each and every claim, and would cover care and treatment from any center or any hospital in any country. At first glance, this would be great for all people with health insurance plans, however, this is simply not a reality for the majority of health insurance plans …
The case for analyzing claims data
If you are a group or company health insurance plan administrator or HR manager you have likely noticed that there are two near constants when it comes to the management of your health insurance plan. The first is that if employees have health insurance they will use it – some as much as possible, the …
Union Pay limits health insurance payments
For many countries, 2015 was not the best year financial wise. Countries like China, for example, saw near constant losses in stock markets with trading being canceled on numerous occasions in the latter half of the year. Combine this with moves by the government to devalue the Yuan, as well as favorable business and currency …