Category Archive For "Insurance"
Important health insurance questions for teachers to ask
While it may seem a little odd to be covering health insurance for teachers in the middle of the school year, December and January is a busy time for many teachers, especially those who are considering moving schools or even cities, as this is when the majority of the schools do their hiring for the …
‘Tis the season to renew your health insurance
December is historically one of the busiest times for nearly every industry, health insurance included. One of the main reasons for this is not because of the impending Christmas/New Year break, but because many insurers conduct rate reviews at the beginning of each calendar year.
The state of maternity insurance in Hong Kong
One of the main reasons people in Hong Kong purchase health insurance is to cover the cost of having a baby. Ask anyone who has had a baby in Hong Kong in recent years and they will likely mention that it is not cheap to give birth at a private hospital in the city. To …
Americans in Hong Kong and the ACA
The last five and a half years has been interesting with regards to health care and health insurance, especially so for Americans who have seen a dramatic change in the availability of health insurance in their country due in large part to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as ‘Obamacare’. Officially enacted in March …
The impact of health care costs on insurance
Visit a public medical center or hospital in Hong Kong and you will be paying the same general amount as every other person who seeks medical care from the public sector. After all, the Hong Kong Health Authority publishes the health care costs and charges levied at all public facilities. This, in turn, makes it easier …